Stacked Deli

Self-Initated Project

Brand Identity, Packaging, Creative Direction, Illustration and Social Media

The Challenge

Stacked is a Deli truck journeying through London's bustling streets, they needed a distinctive brand identity that uniquely captures ASMR sandwich slicing and showcases fresh ingredients into its branding. Inspiration for the brief came from @_sensationalsandwiches.

Creative Solution

To showcase the ASMR sandwich experience and place a strong emphasis on fresh ingredients, several key visuals were aligned with this concept. Notably, the 'Obviously' font was chosen for its distinctive 'i,' reminiscent of a sandwich being gently compressed. Additionally, the colour palette mirrored the key ingredients, and the photography featured close-up shots.

The Brand Essense

To capture the experience of slicing through a sandwich and revealing it’s layers, I created a bold and vibrant pattern, derived from the 'S' in our logo. This pattern encapsulates that, adding a quirky visual element to the Stacked’s brand. Supporting copy and titles are in the font 'Obviously,' chosen for its distinctive 'i,' playfully reminiscent of squishing a sandwich.

A Distinctive Colour Pallete

The brand’s colour palette pulls inspiration from the ingredients that take centre stage in their sandwiches. Each colour takes you to the mouthwatering flavours, from the rich greens reminiscent of fresh lettuce to the warm browns mirroring crusty ciabatta. It was also important that the brand stood out in a crowded market.

Fun Personality

Each sticker became a canvas for conveying the brand's vibrant personality and message in a captivating way. These stickers are more than just visuals but lively ambassadors of the brand, sparking curiosity on various surfaces, ready to catch the eye of anyone nearby.


Capturing the essence of Stacked through photography, Laura Murray skillfully highlight the fresh ingredients and distinctive layers that define it.


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